
Judge Griffth Response Questions

1. Judge Griffith spoke about his career and how he had moved around to different opportunities seeking to find his passion.  Please describe what you feel you are passionate about today and where you think these interests will take you as you start your career path.

This is a question I've been asking myself for a long time. I love working with people. I love creating. I love solving problems in an innovative way. I feel that advertising is a good path for me to be heading down for now. I also have interest in hair styling and being a math teacher. Both of those professions work with people in solving a problem. :)

2. Judge Griffith quoted several versus in Jacob 2, in reference to the pursuit and use of wealth. How will you apply the concepts that Jacob shares with us as you experience success in your career?

I feel that we need to contribute our talents to as many people as we can. As we do so, more will added upon us. In turn, we will feel rich. This is a concept similar to that which we are talking about in my Doctrine and Covenants class; Law of Consecration. My professor posed this question, "Who is benefitted more in the end, the rich or the poor?"
Sorry... I've forgotten to relate the scripture to my career... I think that if we love our career choice, we won't mind that we are not receiving more money, as long as we are happy and feel the reward of our talent contributing to the benefit of those who are without. 

3. Please share something you learned about leadership in your career from judge Griffith’s presentation.

I love how he lead his whole stake to focus on the Atonement. I want to be a leader of virtue and faith; I think it can still apply to my job though it may not be church related. I want to build enthusiasm and earn respect with those I work with. I want to be firm in a vision and see others obtain the same goal. It would be great if they could go above and beyond my vision. 

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