
Reflection Questions: Sept 27th

1. What does integrity really mean to you? How do you know personally when you are displaying integrity?

For me integrity is being loyal and confident in a decision I made which effects my thinking, behavior, and/or actions to support my decision. I know I am showing integrity when I am faced with opposition to my decisions, relating to my values or morals, and I stand by my decision. I can also tell by the way people treat me. If they respect and honor my opinions, then I know that I have been an example of my values and morals and they can detect my integrity to them. 

2. Choose one of the development suggestions, or your own, to work on this week.  What did you choose? Why? How did it go?

I chose INTEGRITY. I was an interesting concept that we had discussed in class in understanding how to distinguish it from values, morals, and honor. The experience I had where showed integrity was in my Communications Medis Strategy class.

Last week in class, we were assigned to come up with a Media Plan of how to promote school spirit on campus. My teacher has recognized that students wear other universities' apparel. He said that if that was done on any other college campus, the student wearing the apparel would be shunned and attacked by the other students. So he wanted us to come up with a way to create more school spirit and unity. Many ideas were brought up and also activities that used to be permitted on campus; referring mostly to the 1960s. This is when BYUSA was brought up and how the only thing allowed on campus now is giving out hot dogs. I wasn't too worried about that comment. 

The following week, when the assignment was due, many students presented their ideas. Then again, conversation went into how BYUSA doesn't serve the students. Other judgmental and rude comments were made about BYUSA, and I raised my hand immediately. I was nervous, but I knew I had to stand up for the organization that I represent, especially when untruthful and harsh words were being said. I first clarified the proper way of addressing President Samuelson, no as Cecil. I then went into how we ARE focused on the students, if they would only learn about BYUSA and participate, they would understand that students are center to our vision. We are also focused on being divine-centered leaders and since we are a church school, we can't do anything that would put a bad light on us because it would give a bad image on the church as well. 

I hope I said those things in a respectful and informative way. I did cry when I was saying all of it just because it was an overall emotional day for me. However, because I also have negatives opinions about BYUSA and am beginning to understand it's true purpose, it hurts me to hear others, those who have no clue about the mission and vision, talk poorly to others about it. 

I needed to be bold and stand behind the organization that I represent; even it was not the popular or most accepted thing to do among my peers and teacher. 

3.  Think of someone you know who displays integrity regularly.  What do they DO to demonstrate integrity? How does that impact you?

He makes very logical but also spirit guided decisions. I can think of another person who shows integrity by teaching others to hold high standards in their behavior. He doesn't present it in a demeaning way, but as encouragement and inspiration. These examples help me to be a person of integrity not just in situations when I'm faced with a challenge, but in my daily activities and interactions with people. Instead of just waiting for an opportunity to come to me, I should seek for teaching opportunities and ways to build inspire others to uphold righteous integrity. 

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