
Reflection Questions: Nov 1

1. Considering your role as a leader, Please describe who you view as your “customers” and how you practice the idea of meeting the needs of those customers.

My customers are those i work with in the office and my responsibility is to make them happy. I learned that it doesn't work to instruct and counsel. It is better to compliment and support and they will follow in my example. I just need to be working hard and setting an example for them to look toward.

2. Please describe a time when you have been involved in a significant change.  Identify what those who were leading the organization did to help make the change successful or unsuccessful.

Recently, Phil has left the area for the rest of semester. And I didn't know what the next step was for me to do. I am grateful for Christy (you :D) who helped me organize and realize the changes that needed to be made. Sometimes with change, I push it aside and hope that it'll work out on its own. Or I need at least a day to have it settle in my mind so that I can think through it clearly and make necessary changes. But I know there have been times, and will be times, when I need to think on my toes. I am also grateful for my area and their willingness to take on a part of the volunteer area and make other adjustments.

3. Describe why you believe that Networking with others, is a vital part of leading change.

Networking helps build trust and respect in and with any organization. It shows others that you value their skills and you want to help them as well. I'm still trying to make the connection of how networking relates to leading change though. I think networking can be seen as communication. so if we communicate with those we associate with when change occurs, they can provide support, have understanding, or give of time or work. 


Delegate: October 25

Do you resist giving up some assignments?
   No, I have learned to willingly give over assignments

What do you notice about the tasks you resist delegating?
   Those that I do, I feel like I can do the best job at it.

Do you tend to hold on to certain pieces of work because you feel that your direct reports are not qualified to help?
    I used to hold on to responsibilities or task because I didn't trust others, but I realized that other won't   be able to learn and I would be really stressed if i try to take on all the duties and tasks that need to be accomplished. There are many bright and inspired minds in the office and I have learned to trust their reason for being here.  

If you don't feel you can delegate a key task to your subordinates, what must be done to prepare them to receive the assignment?
   I think that by telling them that you will be giving them tasks and projects to take on, it is a warning. It used to be hard for me to delegate jobs, I was aware of it, I just didn't know how to go about it and how to decide when and who to delegate it to. What I have learned is to present the tasks that need to be accomplished and ask for those who wish to complete the task. That way they are volunteering having a desire to complete the task and know that they will be accountable for their work.

What are you doing to make that happen?
   As mentioned, I have already learned how to delegate tasks, but what I have realized in that is that I don't give myself any accountability. How can I expect those I work with to complete their tasks when I hand them all the work and sit back. What I realized I realized last week, that I need to do, was make a calendar of deadlines for proposals, PRCs, submitting work to CLD, and then the event date. I don't feel that my EDs had enough confidence in their decisions and needed someone to make them accountable for those dates so they count make their PDs accountable for them as well.
   I have wondered why nothing was being accomplished. I thought it was my EDs or their PDs, but I realized it was ME! I need to do my part before I can expect them to theirs. How can I delegate when I have nothing to delegate? I wish I had prepared more carefully and in detail during the summer so that the programs and projects could have happened sooner within in this semester. We will being seeing most of our programs kick off in the winter semester.


Reflection Questions: Sept 27th

1. What does integrity really mean to you? How do you know personally when you are displaying integrity?

For me integrity is being loyal and confident in a decision I made which effects my thinking, behavior, and/or actions to support my decision. I know I am showing integrity when I am faced with opposition to my decisions, relating to my values or morals, and I stand by my decision. I can also tell by the way people treat me. If they respect and honor my opinions, then I know that I have been an example of my values and morals and they can detect my integrity to them. 

2. Choose one of the development suggestions, or your own, to work on this week.  What did you choose? Why? How did it go?

I chose INTEGRITY. I was an interesting concept that we had discussed in class in understanding how to distinguish it from values, morals, and honor. The experience I had where showed integrity was in my Communications Medis Strategy class.

Last week in class, we were assigned to come up with a Media Plan of how to promote school spirit on campus. My teacher has recognized that students wear other universities' apparel. He said that if that was done on any other college campus, the student wearing the apparel would be shunned and attacked by the other students. So he wanted us to come up with a way to create more school spirit and unity. Many ideas were brought up and also activities that used to be permitted on campus; referring mostly to the 1960s. This is when BYUSA was brought up and how the only thing allowed on campus now is giving out hot dogs. I wasn't too worried about that comment. 

The following week, when the assignment was due, many students presented their ideas. Then again, conversation went into how BYUSA doesn't serve the students. Other judgmental and rude comments were made about BYUSA, and I raised my hand immediately. I was nervous, but I knew I had to stand up for the organization that I represent, especially when untruthful and harsh words were being said. I first clarified the proper way of addressing President Samuelson, no as Cecil. I then went into how we ARE focused on the students, if they would only learn about BYUSA and participate, they would understand that students are center to our vision. We are also focused on being divine-centered leaders and since we are a church school, we can't do anything that would put a bad light on us because it would give a bad image on the church as well. 

I hope I said those things in a respectful and informative way. I did cry when I was saying all of it just because it was an overall emotional day for me. However, because I also have negatives opinions about BYUSA and am beginning to understand it's true purpose, it hurts me to hear others, those who have no clue about the mission and vision, talk poorly to others about it. 

I needed to be bold and stand behind the organization that I represent; even it was not the popular or most accepted thing to do among my peers and teacher. 

3.  Think of someone you know who displays integrity regularly.  What do they DO to demonstrate integrity? How does that impact you?

He makes very logical but also spirit guided decisions. I can think of another person who shows integrity by teaching others to hold high standards in their behavior. He doesn't present it in a demeaning way, but as encouragement and inspiration. These examples help me to be a person of integrity not just in situations when I'm faced with a challenge, but in my daily activities and interactions with people. Instead of just waiting for an opportunity to come to me, I should seek for teaching opportunities and ways to build inspire others to uphold righteous integrity. 


Response Questions: Sept 27

1. What are some ways that you have encouraged others to generate creative, resourceful solutions to problems and what were the outcomes? Please use a specific incident in your answer.

The most recent example I can recall was within the BYUSA office. In a stewardship, Sterling challenged me to delegate responsibilities to my EDs so that I am less stressed and my EDs would have an opportunity to learn and then delegate to their PDs. I had a stewardship with Morgan and he told me that he is having a hard time finding people for his film team. I told him a way I found branding committee members last year was I announced in an advertising class about the opportunity to serve on a branding committee. I also told him that since he wasn't directly over the committees, he should have his PDs make announcements in the specified classes.

2. In your opinion, what are the most important behaviors (as defined in your student manual) in getting results with a project or problem? Explain why you have chosen these and use specific personal examples to add merit to your claim.

a) Has a clear vision of desired results
b) Planning and organization
c) Creates high-performance team

a) Without a goal, the other attributes would benefit nothing. On my mission, when planning a baptism for an investigator, my companion and I set a date for them prior to our lessons and planned out the necessary steps for them and for us to work towards their baptism. If we didn't set a date, the steps we knew were necessary for a baptism to occur would not have been accomplished efficiently, or even at all, because there was no motivation for an end result. 

b) In relation to my first example, once a goal is selected a plan is essential to ensure that the goal is accomplished by the select deadline. Also with planning, minor details are recognized and not overlooked. 

c) An example of a good leader is one who motivates, not directly, but through their own performance and attitude throughout the project. What is important to point out is the fact that the leader is not just a leader, but also a participant. I feel that many people within a team can be a leaders, everyone has their different strengths. A personal example is when the presidency worked on Involva-palooza. Chris was a great motivator. He made assignments and dealines and was diligent in following up with each of us.

3. What are your personal strengths in getting results on projects or problems, and how can you use and implement them in your current leadership position to benefit your team?

As mentioned in a previous response, I learn from my mistakes and I like for all of my projects to be perfect. I do my best to look at the project as a whole and map out the steps that I will need to take in order to achieve my desired outcome. I tend to notice operations that could be more functional, whether it is an unorganized space or process of paperwork.
With my team, I hope to notice dysfunctions or opportunities for growth quickly. I also hope that I can gather my team early with a project, point out our goal, map out our steps, and assign duties for each step. It is also important to create deadlines to keep everyone on task. This is most important when working with a team.


Response Questions: Sept 20

1. Remembering that you don’t have to be good at everything, what are two or three strengths that you have developed in your life and that set you apart from others?

I really don't like pointing out my strengths because some people may not recognize these qualities in me.
a) But I have noticed, and it's been pointed out to me, that when I am given an assignment and first dont' succeed, the next time I have the opportunity to perform the same task, I learn from my failure and improve my performance and outcome. I generally tend to go above and beyond what is expected, and then I tend to shoot too high and don't complete all that I need. But then I learn from experiences like that where I plan out my steps the next time.
b) This is something that is a bit on the personal side, but another quality that has been pointed out to me. In my patriarcial blessing it states that I will be of compassionate service to others and people will come to me for guidance. I feel that I have in some ways lived up to my potential. Thinking back to high school, I have a lot of friends that came to me for solace. Maybe because I grew up as the only Mormon in my graduating class and total of 3 other members in my high school, so most of my associations were with non-members that maybe saw me as someone which a greater perspective. I also felt that I had an extra measure of expectation upon me, so i behaved accordingly, and that's maybe why others felt they could come to me to share their troubles or find advice. I think that because many people came to me with their problems, and all I could do was listen since I didn't know how to help them, I have developed an understanding and compassion for others. I try not to be judgmental and be more understanding of others' behavior, beliefs, values, and circumstances in life.

2. Why do you think General Norman Schwarzkopf felt that character is more important than strategy?

I think that if one focuses on their character, then strategy will come. I feel that they define strategy as the guts to why and how. But without focusing on those details, if someone has a true and strong character then a strategy will be natural in the how and what they do. 

3. In your BYUSA assignment, what have you chosen as your “hedgehog,” or the thing(s) that you will do better than anyone else?

I hope to be able to not only explain the BYUSA vision with great spirit and passion, but I also hope to portray it through my service and interaction with others in the office and even outside of the office and school.

I also hope to be a leader of respect and fun. If I could be the best at anything, I would want to have the perfect mix of being bold, responsible, welcoming, happy, and an example of divine-centered leadership


Week 3 Class: Brother Cox

Basic Principles of the Extra-Ordinary Leader
1. We will not focus on weaknesses
2. You don't have to be good at everything
3. Two or three strengths will set you apart from the crowd

Compare a Show Horse and a Plow Horse
What kind of leader are YOU going to be?


Response Questions: Sept 13

  1. Motive is the central element of the Divine centered Leadership Model. Please describe what motivates you to volunteer as a leader in BYUSA.
When I first joined BYUSA in 2007, I initially intended to volunteer my time and effort in order to contribute my ideas to benefit the students. I also felt it was a great way for me to practice advertising since I intended that to be my future major. In the same sense, when I began volunteering again after my mission, I wanted to be part of a group who also developed creative and effective advertisements to help promote service across campus. I did not join BYUSA intending to be a leader. Becoming the Assistant to the President of Communications was not a position I strongly desired to have, mainly because of the large time and energy commitment required. However, I felt it was the next step for me to grow and contribute my talents by helping communicate to BYU students the opportunities for them to serve and to promote the divine-centered vision of BYUSA. I am grateful for my opportunity to be in a leadership position, but am more grateful for those I associate within the office because of their examples of leadership and service.

2. In the Quote that was a part of last nights discussion, Theodore Roosevelt gives credit in life to those who are “In the Arena.” Describe what you think it means to be in the Arena, and how you plan to be involved this year and throughout your lives.

To be "In the Arena" is to be a fully-invested participant. If you want something done, you cannot be a spectator. You have to get into the situation expecting to give whole heart, mind, and strength; sweat a little, get dirt on your face, and you may get hurt, but you'll get back up and do better.
The way I plan to be "In the Arena" this year in BYUSA, is to be fully focused on my duty and responsibilities in my area. I will remind myself of the vision so that all my projects and efforts reflect the purpose the organization as a whole. I also want to be sure I concentrate my time in the office to the duties expected of me so that project are carried out quickly and efficiently. And as many ideas I have and as much as I would want to take a lot of the credit for the accomplishments this school year in Communications, I also want to allow other student volunteers in the office the same amount of opportunities and growth available.
In applying the concept of being "In the Arena" to the rest of life, when faced with a challenge or an opportunity for growth, I want to put forth my whole heart into it and to not be afraid to get hurt, tired, stumble, or fail. As long as I persevered until I have accomplish what was necessary, I know that I have done what I needed to do.

3. Divine-centered leaders need to know each heart. Describe an experience you have had with a leader who has taken time to know you. How did their efforts improve your experience? How can you reach out to those you lead?

My Young Women's President!! I love her dearly! When I was the Laurel's president, I worked with her closely to understand the needs of the girls in Young Women. She supported me in my calling, but also was interested in my schooling, work, dance, family, and boy life. She was not just a leader, but also a friend for me. I really appreciated her love expressed for me because there were times when I did not feel like anyone else cared about me. I remember one particular time during my senior year of high school that she took me out to lunch. I will always cherish her friendship and Christlike example of knowing individuals and knowing what I needed. Because of her example, it encouraged me to be more focused on the girls I was to focus on and serve in our Young Women, especially in Laurels. She helped me know how to be a good friend, gain trust and respect, and to express love and gratitude for those I was called to serve.
I hope to be the same leader to those I serve in the BYUSA office by not just seeing myself over an area and over people, but to understand each individuals' needs and be their friend. I don't want to just lead, but also follow. I feel that I can learn a lot from those that are in the office, even if they only come into the office once a week as part of a committee. I am excited for those that I will be meet throughout the semester and hope to gain a stronger character because of the examples around me.