
Reflection Questions: Nov 1

1. Considering your role as a leader, Please describe who you view as your “customers” and how you practice the idea of meeting the needs of those customers.

My customers are those i work with in the office and my responsibility is to make them happy. I learned that it doesn't work to instruct and counsel. It is better to compliment and support and they will follow in my example. I just need to be working hard and setting an example for them to look toward.

2. Please describe a time when you have been involved in a significant change.  Identify what those who were leading the organization did to help make the change successful or unsuccessful.

Recently, Phil has left the area for the rest of semester. And I didn't know what the next step was for me to do. I am grateful for Christy (you :D) who helped me organize and realize the changes that needed to be made. Sometimes with change, I push it aside and hope that it'll work out on its own. Or I need at least a day to have it settle in my mind so that I can think through it clearly and make necessary changes. But I know there have been times, and will be times, when I need to think on my toes. I am also grateful for my area and their willingness to take on a part of the volunteer area and make other adjustments.

3. Describe why you believe that Networking with others, is a vital part of leading change.

Networking helps build trust and respect in and with any organization. It shows others that you value their skills and you want to help them as well. I'm still trying to make the connection of how networking relates to leading change though. I think networking can be seen as communication. so if we communicate with those we associate with when change occurs, they can provide support, have understanding, or give of time or work. 


Delegate: October 25

Do you resist giving up some assignments?
   No, I have learned to willingly give over assignments

What do you notice about the tasks you resist delegating?
   Those that I do, I feel like I can do the best job at it.

Do you tend to hold on to certain pieces of work because you feel that your direct reports are not qualified to help?
    I used to hold on to responsibilities or task because I didn't trust others, but I realized that other won't   be able to learn and I would be really stressed if i try to take on all the duties and tasks that need to be accomplished. There are many bright and inspired minds in the office and I have learned to trust their reason for being here.  

If you don't feel you can delegate a key task to your subordinates, what must be done to prepare them to receive the assignment?
   I think that by telling them that you will be giving them tasks and projects to take on, it is a warning. It used to be hard for me to delegate jobs, I was aware of it, I just didn't know how to go about it and how to decide when and who to delegate it to. What I have learned is to present the tasks that need to be accomplished and ask for those who wish to complete the task. That way they are volunteering having a desire to complete the task and know that they will be accountable for their work.

What are you doing to make that happen?
   As mentioned, I have already learned how to delegate tasks, but what I have realized in that is that I don't give myself any accountability. How can I expect those I work with to complete their tasks when I hand them all the work and sit back. What I realized I realized last week, that I need to do, was make a calendar of deadlines for proposals, PRCs, submitting work to CLD, and then the event date. I don't feel that my EDs had enough confidence in their decisions and needed someone to make them accountable for those dates so they count make their PDs accountable for them as well.
   I have wondered why nothing was being accomplished. I thought it was my EDs or their PDs, but I realized it was ME! I need to do my part before I can expect them to theirs. How can I delegate when I have nothing to delegate? I wish I had prepared more carefully and in detail during the summer so that the programs and projects could have happened sooner within in this semester. We will being seeing most of our programs kick off in the winter semester.