
Rough Draft Resume


D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals : Challenge of an action given by a group or organization

How do you make those decisions?
    He met with a member of the Twelve to assist with his decision - Go to the Lord in  
       prayer and you will know what will be best for you and your wife. "This is a call for  
       the gift of the Spirit; and you don't have it" "...and neither do it."
    Go after your interests: What are you passionate about?
       I don't want to get to age 85 and say, "I wish I had done ______"
       It may not work right away, but follow your passion and it will play out the way it  

Jacob 2
    If achievements lead to you believe that you are better than everyone else, that's bad.
    v17 - Think of your brethren like unto yourselves, and be familiar with all and free with 
       with your substance, that they may be rich like unto you.
    v18 - But before ye seek for the riches, seek ye for the kingdom of God.
    v19 - And after ye have obtained a hope in Christ ye shall obtain riches, if ye seek the; 
       and ye will seek them for the intent to do good --- to clothe the naked, and to feed   
       the hungry, and to liberate the captive, and administer relief to the rick and the
       afflicted (Matthew 25; parable of the sheep and the goat)
           One thing that separates the sheep from the goats --- service to the hungry, naked,
               least of these my brethren
    What does this have to do with the Atonement of Christ?

Why is church so boring?
    See in the doctrines and teachings of Christ : Atonement
    There is no "sacrament portion"; the WHOLE THING is SACRAMENT!
    No life, no substance, and no redemption because they were not directly related with 
       the ATONEMENT
    Rule in the whole stake that all talks and lessons about the ATONEMENT [amazing]
Was there a time when your personal/religious values were challenged? (Chris)
What is it like to be a Mormon is your position?
    Turn over the coffee mug and the wine glass