
Vice President Scharman

1.  Please describe a way you will apply a leadership concept you have learned about this year as you lead in your family.

Family comes first. I think I will be able to better understand this concept as I have my own family. As of now, I know that  my busy life with school and work, that I still need to take time to drive 30 minutes up to Saratoga Springs to see my family at least every other week. As I have my own family, I've heard many times that in life, we will regret not spending more time with family than more time in the office. I think the best way to lead my family is to be available when they need me. This will show my family my love for them and desire to help them whenever they are in need. If I spread myself too thin, the more important things will not have room.

2. Vice President Scharman talked about the importance of developing structure in your home based on your individual time commitments.  Describe how you believe structure and order in your family life can help you lead in you family.  How can some form of structure and routine help you develop leaders in your family?

I guess I answered part of this question in the question prior. I think that establishing a schedule of when FHE is, temple day, spouse date, family outings, scripture study, and other wholesome family activities early in the development of a family, it will be easy to stick to it. As my kids grow up, they will be familiar with the routine of these activities and it won't seem like a burden. Of course the time commitments and level of activity won't stay the same, so it's important to always be evaluating what is best for everyone so that everyone gains the most out of our time together.


Mayor Winder Response Questions

1. Mayor Winder talked about the challenge of balancing career and church assignments with the need to be involved in serving in your community and government.  Describe how you will go about including community and government service in  your life.

I would be interested to learn about the PTA. I've also experienced a bit with the city of Saratoga Springs city council by choreographing a dance for the Miss Saratoga Springs Pagent. I don't know that I would have any involvement with leadership, but who knows?

2. In Mayor Winders research on the history of church leaders interactions with Presidents of the Untied States, one conclusion that has been apparent is the importance of good people serving in and around government.  Identify ways that you can have that type of positive influence in both your community and nationally.  Please include various ways in which you see yourself being able to lead.

I really appreciated when Mayor Curtis came to speak to the BYU students. He said that he invites everyone and anyone to email his with questions and that he would answer to each of them personally. I thought it showed a lot about how much he cared about the people that he has responsibility for and cared about their concerns. I want to be a leader who focuses on individual's and make them feel like they are important. 

3. As you evaluate your experience this year in a leadership role, describe what motivated you to make the commitment you have made in your year of service with BYUSA. 

My motivations have changed since I've been at BYUSA. Well, maybe not changed, but it's been enhanced and refined. I love the feeling of accomplishment that I feel from serving with the other volunteers at BYUSA, not in a prideful way though. It's more a feeling of upliftment and self worth. The interactions and relationships I've developed with others are priceless and are unlike any that I could accomplish elsewhere on campus. I think it's because we are united in service and love that it's has bound us tighter than other acquaintances on campus. So I guess what has motivated me is the people and seeing the influence I have on others, they have on me, and the other interactions I witness. 


Response Questions for President Samuelson: February 14

1. President Samuelson explained the importance of accepting callings. Please describe how you plan to respond to different calls that will come to you over your lifetime.

I have not found it hard to accept callings. I am always eager to follow the call to serve. There have been instances when I was unsure of my ability to fulfill the responsibilities, but I have always been blessed with the ability to excel and be magnified by the Lord. President Samuelson talked about certain circumstances when an acceptance of a call would not be the best decision. I hope that I would have the inspiration and courage to act accordingly. I am a very willing and accepting person, so turning down an offer to serve or be more involved is very hard for me. I would need to keep the Lord involved in my decisions so that he could help me know what is best for me. 

2. President Samuelson identified the practice of being “too critical” of ourselves as being worse in effect than not being critical enough. How do your expectations of your own performance effect how you serve as a leader. How do you intend to avoid the practice of over self criticism?

I hold high expectations for myself; high above of my actually capabilities. I think that I try to model my behaviors too close the strengths of others that I neglect my strengths and unique leadership traits. I have not figured out the cure for self-criticism. I would like to be more humble and accept the talents and abilities I have been given and then focus my energy on magnifying those traits. 

3. President Samuelson shared his method of organizing his plans to include, long term, mid term and short term. What approach do you currently use in organizing the work you are responsible for? 

I organize my responsibilities according to the date necessary for them to be completed. I also look at the nature of the event/task and plot out specific things (milestones) that need to be done before the due date. One of my goals this year is to be more proactive.

4. Please describe your motive for serving in BYUSA. Has this motive changed or evolved as the year has gone by?

I believe I got involved in BYUSA with SAC so I could contribute my creative talent to a greater good. I was somewhat interested in advertising so I also wanted to test the waters. I have always been the type to want to be involved in something that makes a big impact. I love working with other people. I also love collaborating because it helps me see the divine nature and inspiration of others. 
I don't think that my motives have evolved drastically, but they have been expand. I still serve to contribute my talents, but I also serve to help inspire others towards excellence. There have been many people in my life who have had great faith in my potential. I want to pass on the same kindness and help others recognize their divine potential to be spiritually strengthened and to then go on to inspire others.


Response Questions : February 7

1. Bro. Jones described his career path and an experience where he received a recommendation from the President of Dixie State College.  This recommendation came because of Bro. Jones reputation as someone who would follow through on any assignments he received.  Please describe what practices you will engage to make sure that you are considered someone who is reliable in completing projects.

Manage time wisely in order to accomplish a given task at or before they are expected.
Create a good relationship with those I am accountable to
Ask those over me if there are other things I can do

2. Bro. Jones mentioned the opportunities that he has had to be an example for those who are not members of the church and has been an influence for changing opinions about Mormons.  Please describe how you will consider the opportunity to make friends for the Church as you start and grow your career.

As a Latter-Day Saint, it is important for me to be an example of a disciple of Christ in all that I strive to do. I think its a great opportunity to work with those who are not Mormon, because firstly, it is an opportunity to share the gospel, and secondly, it is an opportunity to practice what you preach and be sure that you are maintaining high standards of the church for those around you. 

3. Bro. Jones described his work on the Festival of the American West. One aspect that made that event succesful was the inclusion of many different people and allowing them to shine with their talents.  Please explain how this concept of involving others and allowing them to utilize and showcase their talents relate  to our practice of leadership in BYUSA and in the future. 

There are so many different areas of BYUSA with wide ranges of responsibilities and necessary volunteer traits. Even within Communications, one volunteer would not be able to carry out the responsibilities of all the areas. There needs to be variations of skills. Not only skills, but even personalities, work behaviors, and styles of managing. If everyone were the same, or "agreed", then nothing would be accomplished; nothing would progress. 


Ron Jones : February 7th

Don't just use your education at BYU to be successful and make lots of money. Use your time at BYU to be a leader, set an example to others of how they can build their lives. 

Brother Cox Response Questions

1. Select at least three of Bro. Cox's 12 career "hints" and report what you are currently doing to follow his recommendations.  Be specific in describing how you are living each "hint.

Leave things better than you found them
     My theme in the work place is "there is wisdom and order in all things." I like smooth and efficient processes. If I notice a better way for something to be carried out, I like to make it happen. Now not just focusing on tangible conditions, I also like to increase the spiritual nature of a place/group of people. I feel that one of my strengths is uniting people.  

Do more than is expected
     I am a perfectionist. When I am given a task, I focus on the end result and always look for a unique way to accomplish the task. I like to stand out and be noticed for my accomplishments. It seems boastful, but I also think its a way for me to push myself to be innovative. But for some reason, I have felt that I have not been able to exceed my expectations at BYUSA. I feel that most of my semester has been figuring out what my responsibility is in my position so its been a struggle for me to accomplish projects and then exceed my responsibilities. I am trying really hard, but then I think that I overwhelm my capabilities. 

Sprout deep roots
     When Brother Cox shared this hint, it rang true for me. Along with "Leave thing better than when you found them," I like to make lasting results. The results may be tangible or in the environment of the work place. I was able to apply this concept most on my mission. I loved working with the members and planting deep roots of trust and respect with them. I feel that in doing so, they felt more motivated to share the gospel with their friends. I feel that I left a good impression of missionaries in all the areas I served in. 

2. Select one or more "hints" from Bro. Cox upon which you feel a need to improve your focus. Be specific about your plans to better incorporate this "hint" into your life.

Don't measure success by fame or fortune. 
     Growing up as a dancer made me get into the mindset that I needed to be a famous dancer in order to be successful and happy! As I got into musical theater, my desire to be famous grew even more. Now being in the advertising business, and probably all fields of study are similar, but it seems that to be most profitable in life, one needs to live and work in New York, New York and work for the biggest company with the biggest title. 
     I've come to realize that it is not the route that is close to possible for me, nor is it necessary for me to take in order to be truly happy. Not saying that I still won't strive to do my best and succeed in my career, but I've learned that I can't let the amount of my paycheck reflect my success. I've seen many happy and well establish people, especially on my mission, in small towns and in a local company. 
     I will apply this principle in my college career by taking any opportunity I can to put my skills into practice, no matter how low pay or non-praiseworthy my position may be. I will also include prayer and pondering into my searching, deciding, and confirming stages of life. :)

Judge Griffth Response Questions

1. Judge Griffith spoke about his career and how he had moved around to different opportunities seeking to find his passion.  Please describe what you feel you are passionate about today and where you think these interests will take you as you start your career path.

This is a question I've been asking myself for a long time. I love working with people. I love creating. I love solving problems in an innovative way. I feel that advertising is a good path for me to be heading down for now. I also have interest in hair styling and being a math teacher. Both of those professions work with people in solving a problem. :)

2. Judge Griffith quoted several versus in Jacob 2, in reference to the pursuit and use of wealth. How will you apply the concepts that Jacob shares with us as you experience success in your career?

I feel that we need to contribute our talents to as many people as we can. As we do so, more will added upon us. In turn, we will feel rich. This is a concept similar to that which we are talking about in my Doctrine and Covenants class; Law of Consecration. My professor posed this question, "Who is benefitted more in the end, the rich or the poor?"
Sorry... I've forgotten to relate the scripture to my career... I think that if we love our career choice, we won't mind that we are not receiving more money, as long as we are happy and feel the reward of our talent contributing to the benefit of those who are without. 

3. Please share something you learned about leadership in your career from judge Griffith’s presentation.

I love how he lead his whole stake to focus on the Atonement. I want to be a leader of virtue and faith; I think it can still apply to my job though it may not be church related. I want to build enthusiasm and earn respect with those I work with. I want to be firm in a vision and see others obtain the same goal. It would be great if they could go above and beyond my vision.